Friday, March 25, 2005

tYpEs Of kIsSiNg.

Angel Kiss
This is a sweet, comfortin kiss, gently nd ever so lightly kiss ur partner either on the eyelid or rite nxt to the eyes.
Butterfly Kiss
With ur faces less than a breath away, open nd close ur eyelids against ur partners. The fluttering sensation will match ur hearts.
Vacuum Kiss
While kissin open mouthed, slightly suck in as if u were suckin the air frm ur partners mouth. this is a playfull kiss.
Eyelid Kiss
Softly kiss ur partners eyelids one at a time. This is very erotic nd an arousing kiss.
Eskimo Kiss
With ur faces less than ur breath apart, rub ur noses together.
Ghost Kiss
Get very close to ur lovers face nd look down at the lips as if ur abt to kiss them. Just as they beleive ur goin to kiss, brush ur lips up over the cheekbones and eyelids without firmly kissing.This kiss will leave them wantin so much more.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

MaInTaInIn A gUd PoStUrE wHiLe WoRkInG oN A pC

Many of the ill-effects of computer use can be lessened or avoided altogether by utilising correct typing technique and posture, ensuring correct set up of equipment and good work habits.

Place computer monitor and keyboard directly in front of you so as to avoid twisting your neck.

Monitor should be 20-24 inches away from eyes and the height of the monitor should be 5-15 inches below horizontal line of sight.

The mouse and keyboard should be at the same height.

Shoulders should be relaxed with elbows forming a right angle and wrists extending straight and unbent from the arms. Hold wrists in neutral position, not upward or downward.

Use an adjustable chair that provides firm, comfortable support.
Adjust chair height so that thighs are horizontal, and feet are flat on the floor (use a footrest if necessary). Chair should be with a backrest for lumbar support.

Do not slouch.

Ensure that frequently used materials are within easy reach.

Get up and move around as often as possible - at least once every 20 to 30 minutes.

Block excessive sunlight with drapes or blinds and use indirect room lighting.

Give your eyes a rest every 15 to 20 minutes by focusing on a distant object for 10 to 15 seconds and blink often to prevent dry eyes.

Use holder to hold paper.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

EaRlY SaT MoRnInG..!

Last Morning I woke up Early by Around 5.30 am.

I was awake nd felt that I was fresh enough to take a Mornin Walk to the Lalbagh Gardens.
I Slipped out of the house nd Walked alone to the Lalbagh Gardens to start off My Fresh nd Energetic Mornin.
It was a beautiful scene for Me when I entered the Lalbagh Gardens. The mist had hung itself out like a big curtain. The leaves and half- bloomed flowers were filled with dew. The Cool Breeze blew across gently greeting Me as I made my way towards the Lake. It was Serene all around except for the chirping of the birds. It was a feast to My Eyes. Then, I climbed up the hill. I sat on the rocks of the hill gazing at the Rising Sun. The Nature bathed in the hue of the Rising Sun. My Heart was lifted with Happiness. It was Truly a Marvelous Experience. I Returned Home makin up My Mind to walk to the Gardens Every SaT MoRnIn.

tOdAy..! iS GrEaT dAy..!

Yesterday is gone, Tomorrow is unknown.
What we have is Today Alone !

Whatever we want to do can be done only- Today..!

We may plan to do somethin Tomorrow.
But we can really do it only when that Tomorrow becomes- Today..!

We can become Great Personalities of the Future
Only when we accomplish great things at present- Today..!

We may utilize the Experiences of the Past and
We may design plans for the Future
But we can work them out only at Present- Today..!

We can Laugh Today, We can Weep Today,
We can Enjoy Today, We can Think Today,
We can Party Today, We can Study Today,
We can Make Love Today, We can have Fun Today,
We can do Everythin Today..!

Tomorrow is Unborn nd Yesterday is Dead..
Only Today is Alive..

So, Accept the Facts of Life and
Enjoy Every Second of Your Present Life..!

Thursday, March 03, 2005

LoVeRs CaTeGoRy

Romantic Lover:
This lover thinks constantly about the loved one, is jealous, unrealistic, will tolerate anything, is sexually attracted by physical appearance, needs repeated reassurance he/she is loved in return. Typically lasts a few months or a few years.

Companionate Lover:
This lover enjoys the companionship and intimacy of a close friendship. It is a comfortable, slowly developing, trusting, committed relationship, not intense excitement, desperation, or sexual obsessions.

Unselfish Lover:
This lover is devoted and self-sacrificing to the loved one, gives without expecting anything in return, is gentle, caring, and dutiful.

Logical Lover:
This lover carefully selects the "right person" logically, looking for someone with compatible interests, similar education and religion, a harmonious personality, common values, and long-term goals.

Game-Playing Love:
This person may be charming but is hardly a lover; he/she merely enjoys the dating game. He/she relishes the meeting, the impressing, the seducing, the challenge of a conquest but usually makes it clear there is little or no long-term commitment to the other person.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

GrAdUaTiOn DaY

22nd FeB 2005 is an Important Day in My Life. Our Graduation Day which will shrug us throughout Our Lives..
V had a Grand Event tat Day. Our Graduation Day was Really Touchin.. It was the time wen i Really Realized tat my dayz in College is comin to an End. I feel bad leavin my college nd friends after bein together for 3 long yrs.
That Day was Touchin for all of Us. V had Long Lectures frm A Person who was a Doctor nd a Theatre Personality. V then had Lunch which was served as our Final Lunch in College nd went on for Photo Shoots with Friends. V clicked pics in our College Campus.
All of us had Fun..but at the same time felt really bad leavin our college...

tHe aViAtOr..!

Starring Leonardo diCaprio, Alan Alda, Alec Baldwin, Kate Beckinsale, Cate Blanchett, Gwen Stefani Directed by Martin Scorcese.

Click below for More Details: