Wednesday, November 30, 2005

cOpE wIt A bIttEr bReAk uP

Treat yourself
When u’ve been hurt by someone you love your self esteem hits rock bottom, so its good to treat yourself to something that boosts your confidence. Buy the latest gizmo or book yourself for an erotic holiday.

Don’t date too soon
Forcing yourself to go on blind dates set up by well meaning friends is fine when you feel ready, but if you rush into dating too soon you’ll do more harm than good
Get closure
If you shared a home with your ex, ask them to remove their stuff as soon as possible. If you’re the one leaving, move out soon. Only then you can start afresh.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

D@ ThEy LiKe Y@U...???

There are diff answers for men and for women. Men tend to err in the direction of assuming the woman is interested because she's being polite. Women tend to err in the direction of assuming a man isn't interested because he's dividing his time equally between her and something completely trivial like, say, earning a living.

For Men: You'll know if they like you. Trust me, you will. What this means is that if you're really not sure--then they probably don't. Most women are not teases. She may also be doing things like not returning your calls and only seeing you once every other week or so. Why the girl does keep going out on the occasional date, I don't know. It's just something we do. We were brought up to be conciliatory. Blame it on our mothers. But, remember, you should be civilized. Pick up on the cues and don't force a big confrontation. This way you both come out with your egos intact.

For Women: You'll know if they like you. Trust me, you will. But only if you're not a freak about it. You know how if one of your friends is really busy and they say 'I can't talk right now' you hang up the phone and don't think twice about it? Because you know that you're friends. She's been nice to you million other times, so the fact that she was short once isn't an issue. But if a boy does it to you, you get all stressed out and insecure and convinced that he hates you--even though he's also been nice to you million times before. Don't succomb to this rollercoaster ride.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Do U WaNNa KiSS SoMe OnE...?

Never ask first. Never. Ever. Asking first is just awful. Kills all the romance. Ask about everything else once you really start getting physical. But just don't ask about the kissing part.
But, of course, never kiss someone who doesn't want to be kissed. This is where boys get all defensive.
If you have to lean across more than a foot of space, she doesn't want to be kissed. And anyway, you shouldn't be trying to kiss someone out of the blue anyway. It's like pealing out of a driveway without giving the engine time to warm up. You've got to move a little closer, touch them a little first. Personally, I think holding someone's hand first is a little weird, but some women like that. The all time best thing to do though, is play with her hair. Brush it out of her face. Don't do this while staring intently into her eyes trying to Make A Moment out of it. Just do it casually. Touch her like it's the most natural thing in the world to be touching her. Pay attention: if she retreats to the opposite side of the couch or porch or car well then she's more than a foot away isn't she? No kisses. If she sticks around, keep playing with the hair and go for it.

And don't go nuts with passion either. It's a first kiss--make it sweet and short, 5-10 seconds at most, smile at her and then go back to talking. This is, of course, the description of a date first kiss, you know where you actually like the girl--but it will get you pretty far with one you just randomly picked up too.