Saturday, July 30, 2005

Feel "I am"

I am existing. Go deep into this feeling. Just sitting, go deep into this feeling ― I am existing, I am. Feel it, don't think it, because you can say it in the mind ― I AM ― and it is futile. Your head is your undoing. Don’t go on repeating in the head I am, I am existing. It is futile, it is useless. You miss the point.Feel it deep down in your bones. Feel it all over your body. Feel it as a total unit, not in the head. Just feel it ― I am. Don’t use the words “I am”.Don’t make it a mantra, and sitting, don’t say, “I am existing.” There is no need. Everyone knows, and you know already that you are existing; there is no need, it is futile. Feel it ― I am existing. Feeling is a different thing, totally different.Try it. And you can do it anywhere. Just riding on a bus, or traveling in a train, or just sitting, or lying down on your bed, try to feel existence as it is; don’t think about it.When you start feeling existence, the whole world becomes alive to you in a totally new way; you have not known it. Then you pass through the same street and the street is not the same, because now you are grounded in existence. You meet the same friends but they are not the same, because you are different.When you are rooted, you are one with the whole, and the existence exists for you. You are not a beggar; you become an emperor suddenly.And while feeling this, don’t create a limit to it. Feel it illimitably. Don’t create a boundary to it; there is none. It ends nowhere. The world begins nowhere; the world ends nowhere. Existence has no beginning and no end. You also don’t have any beginning; you also don’t have any end.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

MiNd N HeArT

Mind is good, useful, but it is not your wholeness. There is a heart too, which is in fact far more important than mind—because the mind can create better technology, can give you better machines, better roads, better houses, but cannot make you a better man. It cannot make you more loving, more poetic; more graceful. It cannot give you the joy of life, the celebration. It cannot help you to become a song or dance. For instance; Mind is for science, heart for art, poetry, music and transcendental for religion.

WhAt I BeLiEvE.

Being an individual. I just cant believe in idol worship, customs, traditions and other stuffs. But I seriously believe that is someone above, some power that governs us. It is untraceable, yet benign. I believe in the strength that my faith in the almighty provides me with. As a diligent worker and thinker, I also believe that what goes around comes around too. If one works sincerely towards his/her goals, they would reap benefit of their good deeds. Spirituality to me is having confidence in oneself. I don’t believe in following a particular religion or caste as I think that my self confidence and positive approach towards life keeps me going.

PrAyEr iS SpOnTaNeOuS

Prayer is not a technique; it is not a ritual, not a formality. There is no pattern to it. It is a spontaneous outpouring of the heart, so don’t ask how, because there is no how and there cannot be any how to it. Whatsoever happens in the moment is right. Is tears come, good. If you sing, good. If you dance, good. If nothing comes, simply remain silent. Because prayer is not in the expression; it is not in the container, it is in the content. Sometimes silence is a prayer, sometimes singing prayer. It depends on you; it depends on your heart.

U R A MaStErPiEcE.

There has never been a person like you before, there is nobody else like you right now in the whole world, and there will never be anybody like you. Just see how much respect existence has paid to you. You are a masterpiece- unrepeatable, incomparable and utterly unique. Even the hardest heart, will start melting in gratitude. Tears will start flowing, tears of bliss and joy, tears which laugh.

LeArN tO LaUgH N WeEp.

If you really want to laugh you will have to learn how to weep. If you cannot weep and if you are not capable of tears, you will become incapable of laughter. A man of laughter is also a man of tears- then a man is balanced. A man of bliss is also a man of silence. A man who is ecstatic is also a man who is centered. They both go together. And out of this togetherness of polarities a balanced being is born. And that is what the goal is.

Monday, July 18, 2005


Into the blue I saw the flocks of birds fly
The information was beautiful and made me cry.
How we friends move together
Birds of the same feather, flock together
Tell me who are your friends and
I shall tell you what you are
The love for each other makes our friendship true
But lame as I am I can neither fly now move
Or sail like a sea going ship
Like the birds may we love and fly
In the world of friendship we shall try.


You must be sensitive to the needs of the others and be willing to give assistance. As you progress along your success journey, you should acquire a greater sensitivity and a greater responsibility to the plight and condition of others. This human sensitivity puts you in harmony with your creator, and elevates the quality of your own being.

Stay healthy!

Staying healthy requires more than just eating the right foods. The list of things jotted would help you to cool and healthy during any season.
Drink plenty of water. It is very important to drink water. Your body needs water to prevent dehydration during warm days. Take rest or short naps. Don’t push yourself beyond your physical limits. Wear Sunscreen, Moisturizers and etc to prevent skin from sagging. Stay cool and wear light, loose fitting clothing to help you stay cooler and light. Maintain your energy level by limiting your intake of fat and sugar; focus on carbohydrates, proteins, fruits and vegetables.

ShArInG, CaRiNg AnD UnDeRsTaNdInG

One must understand the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul. Husband and wife should always be there for each other in order to share care and love; but intimacy should not be confused with submission. Life partners must give due attention to each others individual rights.
Marriage entails a unique combination of love and hatred. Its like a plant that needs to be watered on a regular basis so that it cam properly grow. Otherwise, it either withers away or entangles the individual lives of the couple in a terrible way.
Husband and wife are not clones. They are individuals having their unique selves as well. This individuality, or difference, is the real beauty of a relationship that has to be respected and appreciated. However, in many relationships the dominating spouse, husband or wife tries to change the partner’s disposition according to his or her personal wishes. In this futile attempt, they often invade each others domain, whish leads to tension, quarrel and even break ups.
Conservative husbands and snooping wives consider it their birth right to know each other and everything about their spouse’s life. They keep on inquiring about each other’s bank balance, official meetings, engagements, friends and even day-to-day activities. The practice of ransacking the wife’s purse, reading her personal diary, and fumbling into husband’s wallet is quite common. One may justify this by saying that he/she wants to be aware of the partner’s activities and contacts. But if this intrusion reaches an extent that keep on calling their partner or office secretary to trace their whereabouts and become suspicious of everything they do, it’s dangerous. Psychologists consider it physical intrusion that reflects one’s insecurity and distrust about one’s partner.
However, almost every one of us experiences some sort of physical, emotional or psychological intrusions in our marital life. I have come across a couple married for fifteen years; often have a fierce fight on tiny issues such as rolling up the car window while driving. They find it difficult to accommodate each other when it comes to TV watching and getting hold of the remote control. These are the tiny issues that can easily be resolved if partners develop the required understanding. The wife can let her husband watch his favorite program, and even try enjoying with him. By doing this she can actually get the freedom to watch her favorite play the next time. Similarly, she can get fresh air by opening the side-window, ventilator of the car fan without actually bothering her partner.
Partners must understand and care about each other’s requirements and accordingly define their boundaries. They must comprehend that after a tough day, a working man or wife needs leisure, relaxation and comfort. In that scenario, the ear splitting volume of TV, shrieking threats to children prove to be a psychological intrusion that simply keeps the person away from the house.
Couples must also understand each other’s psychological and emotional needs. The husband should understand why it’s important that once in a while his wife should get away from household chores, children and even from him to meet friends, cousins and sisters for hours. She must also get a chance to frequently read, write, stitch, paint, visit the gym, shop and socialize. Similarly, the wife must understand that her husband has a right to spend some time with his friends, play tennis or watch a game without any interference.
So, one can safely infer that sharing, caring, understanding, acceptance and forgiveness are the keys to a successful marriage.