Wednesday, November 30, 2005

cOpE wIt A bIttEr bReAk uP

Treat yourself
When u’ve been hurt by someone you love your self esteem hits rock bottom, so its good to treat yourself to something that boosts your confidence. Buy the latest gizmo or book yourself for an erotic holiday.

Don’t date too soon
Forcing yourself to go on blind dates set up by well meaning friends is fine when you feel ready, but if you rush into dating too soon you’ll do more harm than good
Get closure
If you shared a home with your ex, ask them to remove their stuff as soon as possible. If you’re the one leaving, move out soon. Only then you can start afresh.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

D@ ThEy LiKe Y@U...???

There are diff answers for men and for women. Men tend to err in the direction of assuming the woman is interested because she's being polite. Women tend to err in the direction of assuming a man isn't interested because he's dividing his time equally between her and something completely trivial like, say, earning a living.

For Men: You'll know if they like you. Trust me, you will. What this means is that if you're really not sure--then they probably don't. Most women are not teases. She may also be doing things like not returning your calls and only seeing you once every other week or so. Why the girl does keep going out on the occasional date, I don't know. It's just something we do. We were brought up to be conciliatory. Blame it on our mothers. But, remember, you should be civilized. Pick up on the cues and don't force a big confrontation. This way you both come out with your egos intact.

For Women: You'll know if they like you. Trust me, you will. But only if you're not a freak about it. You know how if one of your friends is really busy and they say 'I can't talk right now' you hang up the phone and don't think twice about it? Because you know that you're friends. She's been nice to you million other times, so the fact that she was short once isn't an issue. But if a boy does it to you, you get all stressed out and insecure and convinced that he hates you--even though he's also been nice to you million times before. Don't succomb to this rollercoaster ride.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Do U WaNNa KiSS SoMe OnE...?

Never ask first. Never. Ever. Asking first is just awful. Kills all the romance. Ask about everything else once you really start getting physical. But just don't ask about the kissing part.
But, of course, never kiss someone who doesn't want to be kissed. This is where boys get all defensive.
If you have to lean across more than a foot of space, she doesn't want to be kissed. And anyway, you shouldn't be trying to kiss someone out of the blue anyway. It's like pealing out of a driveway without giving the engine time to warm up. You've got to move a little closer, touch them a little first. Personally, I think holding someone's hand first is a little weird, but some women like that. The all time best thing to do though, is play with her hair. Brush it out of her face. Don't do this while staring intently into her eyes trying to Make A Moment out of it. Just do it casually. Touch her like it's the most natural thing in the world to be touching her. Pay attention: if she retreats to the opposite side of the couch or porch or car well then she's more than a foot away isn't she? No kisses. If she sticks around, keep playing with the hair and go for it.

And don't go nuts with passion either. It's a first kiss--make it sweet and short, 5-10 seconds at most, smile at her and then go back to talking. This is, of course, the description of a date first kiss, you know where you actually like the girl--but it will get you pretty far with one you just randomly picked up too.

Friday, August 26, 2005

10 FliRtInG GeStUrEs

1) Eyebrow Flash: An exaggerated raising of both eyebrows for a couple of seconds, followed by a rapid lowering to normal position. The eyebrow flash is often combined with a smile and some eye contact.
2) Lip Lick: This is a very common flirting technique. Some people use a single-lip lick, wetting only their upper or lower lip, while others run their tongue around the entire lip area.
3) Short Darting Glance: These glances usually come in bouts, with an average of three glances per episode.
4) Hair Flip: Simply pushing one's fingers through the hair, in one movement or in a stroking motion, can mean business.
5) Coy Smile: A sort of half-smile, showing little if any tooth, combined with a downward gaze or very brief eye contact.
6) Whisper: When someone leans over and speaks into a friend's ear while looking at you, it's a sure sign.
7) Primp: A person who pats or smooths his or her clothing, even if there's no need, can well be trying to get your attention.
8) Skirt Hike: When a woman pulls up her hem to expose a little more leg, she's definitely interested.
9) Object Caress: Fondling keys, sliding hands up and down a glass, playing with toys or other things on the table or bar are all attention-getters.
10) Solitary Dance: When while seated, a person moves in time to the music while looking your way, it's time for you to get up and ask for a dance.

KnAcKiNg AnGeR

When you feel hateful, think of love. When you feel desire, think of desirelessness and the silence that comes in it. Whatsoever the case, bring the opposite in and watch what happens within you. Once you know the knack of it, you have become a master.
Now you have the key: any moment anger can be changed into compassion, any moment hate can be turned into love, any moment sadness can become ecstasy. Suffering can become bliss because suffering has the same energy as the bliss; the energy is not different. You just have to know how to channel it.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

WaYz To SaY, "I LoVe YoU!"

Share all aspects of your life.
Write love comments on the morning newspaper.
Be "in the mood."
Spray your love letters with perfume.
Imagine you are the only two people in the world.
Sneak an afternoon nap together.
Slip your own message inside your love's fortune cookie.
Look for the good in your love.
Do his laundry.
Send flowers to her office.
Leave a love note hidden under the pillow.
Wash her car.
Browse through old photos of the two of you.
Make a practice of long kisses.
Cultivate trust by always being honest.
Help her on and off with her coat.
Give books of romantic poetry.
Stage your own kissing marathon.
Enjoy a picnic among fountains in an urban plaza setting.
Buy your mate a gold coin from the year you met.
Surprise your mate with twenty-six gifts from A to Z that begin with each of the letters of the alphabet.
Remind all your mate's friends to send them a card on their birthday.
Be attentive to your mate's needs.
Pick up his shirts at the cleaners.
Always treat your mate as your lover.
Flirt with each other constantly.
Be the first to jump out of bed to make coffee in the morning.
Be adventurous with a home cooked ethnic meal from your mate's background.
Show your mate you care about their background and learn all you can about their ethnic history.
Send a small evergreen tree with a note stating your pining for them.
Give him a medal for being the very best.
Blow kisses.
Hold hands in public.
Workout together.
Eat junk food by candlelight.
Write "I Love You" on the top of the butter with a toothpick.
Write "I Love You" in red lipstick across the bathroom mirror.
Place a rose inside her morning paper.
Invite your mate over for breakfast.
Offer to share the driving on long road trips.
Learn to give a great back massage.
Be playful with each other.
Finger paint a romantic masterpiece together.
Give a four leaf-clover on the eve of a big event for good luck.
Place red Christmas lights on plants for February 14th.
Take a moonlit walk on Sunday to start off the week right.
Treat her to a shopping spree at a lingerie shop.
Treat him and his buddies to an afternoon at a sports bar for the big game.
Help him pick out his ties.
Snuggle often.
Listen with your heart as well as your head.
Smile at each other often.
Rent her favorite movie.
Shampoo, blow dry and brush her hair.
Do his laundry and iron his clothes.
Write love letters at least monthly.
Serve breakfast in bed.
Have a special knock that only the two of you know.
Put a note in a romance novel saying, "The story is great but our own love story is better."
Hire a maid for your not-so-tidy mate.
Carve your initials on a fence.
Ask questions about your mate's day.
Send a valentine in January to get the year rolling.

WaYz To PuT PaSSiOn BaCk iN tHe BeDrOOm

Take a hot shower or bath together. When you are in the bath or shower, keep close physical contact. Wash each other and whisper in their ear the things you specifically love about making love to them.

Share a romantic dinner in front of the fireplace. Nothing speaks romance like sharing a meal in front of the glow of a burning fire. It's even better if you're nude or barely covered with lace and silk. Make sure the dinner you share is conducive to a romantic setting. Food that can easily be eaten with the least amount of utensils is usually your best bet!

Keep constant close physical contact when you are not at home. Keeping a sparked connection throughout the night is one of the most effective ways to keeping your partner passionate about you. A hand on their thigh, a whisper in their ear or a kiss on the neck are all great for reminding your partner what's waiting at home.

A long, passionate kiss. How often do you really just express your desire in a kiss? When you first start dating it's usually one of the only ways to express your desire. Refresh your kissing skills by every so often catching your partner off-guard with a weak-in-the-knees passionate kiss.

Leave a sexy note in the morning telling them to have nothing on, but the radio when you get home. They'll be thinking about it all day at work! Want to keep your partner's mind on you ALL day? Do this idea! You can even go a step further and tell them what's in store for them as well!

Feed each other sensually suggestive finger foods. The best way to feed each other? Naked, of course! Set the tone for an incredible lovemaking experience with a little forethought and some of their favorite tender treats.

Slow, sensual massage, complete with massage oil. If your hands slowly massaging every part of their body can't turn them on… well, you need more than these tips to jumpstart your sexual relationship! Create new sensations with the addition of props such as a feather, fur mitten or a metal chain.

Read your partner an erotic bedtime story. The best encounters are those we don't plan on. Tell your partner you'd like to read them a story. Without letting them see the book (maybe slip a book cover over it) begin to delight their ears with a sensual story made perfect for two!

Write a sexy letter describing everything you'd like to do to them. Sometimes it's difficult to actually speak out loud the things we enjoy about sex with our partner. Leave no doubts about your attraction and get them ready for some loving with a very in-depth description about what you enjoy doing to them!

Study a new sexual practice such as tantric sex or the kama sutra together. Expand your sexual horizons and learn new ways to turn each other on. There are many, many sexual techniques you can learn or sexual practices to study. Get two books, one for each of you, on a particular subject relating to sex. Agree on a pre-determined time frame to be done with the books. On one agreed night, one partner will give a full body "report" on what they learned.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Feel "I am"

I am existing. Go deep into this feeling. Just sitting, go deep into this feeling ― I am existing, I am. Feel it, don't think it, because you can say it in the mind ― I AM ― and it is futile. Your head is your undoing. Don’t go on repeating in the head I am, I am existing. It is futile, it is useless. You miss the point.Feel it deep down in your bones. Feel it all over your body. Feel it as a total unit, not in the head. Just feel it ― I am. Don’t use the words “I am”.Don’t make it a mantra, and sitting, don’t say, “I am existing.” There is no need. Everyone knows, and you know already that you are existing; there is no need, it is futile. Feel it ― I am existing. Feeling is a different thing, totally different.Try it. And you can do it anywhere. Just riding on a bus, or traveling in a train, or just sitting, or lying down on your bed, try to feel existence as it is; don’t think about it.When you start feeling existence, the whole world becomes alive to you in a totally new way; you have not known it. Then you pass through the same street and the street is not the same, because now you are grounded in existence. You meet the same friends but they are not the same, because you are different.When you are rooted, you are one with the whole, and the existence exists for you. You are not a beggar; you become an emperor suddenly.And while feeling this, don’t create a limit to it. Feel it illimitably. Don’t create a boundary to it; there is none. It ends nowhere. The world begins nowhere; the world ends nowhere. Existence has no beginning and no end. You also don’t have any beginning; you also don’t have any end.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

MiNd N HeArT

Mind is good, useful, but it is not your wholeness. There is a heart too, which is in fact far more important than mind—because the mind can create better technology, can give you better machines, better roads, better houses, but cannot make you a better man. It cannot make you more loving, more poetic; more graceful. It cannot give you the joy of life, the celebration. It cannot help you to become a song or dance. For instance; Mind is for science, heart for art, poetry, music and transcendental for religion.

WhAt I BeLiEvE.

Being an individual. I just cant believe in idol worship, customs, traditions and other stuffs. But I seriously believe that is someone above, some power that governs us. It is untraceable, yet benign. I believe in the strength that my faith in the almighty provides me with. As a diligent worker and thinker, I also believe that what goes around comes around too. If one works sincerely towards his/her goals, they would reap benefit of their good deeds. Spirituality to me is having confidence in oneself. I don’t believe in following a particular religion or caste as I think that my self confidence and positive approach towards life keeps me going.

PrAyEr iS SpOnTaNeOuS

Prayer is not a technique; it is not a ritual, not a formality. There is no pattern to it. It is a spontaneous outpouring of the heart, so don’t ask how, because there is no how and there cannot be any how to it. Whatsoever happens in the moment is right. Is tears come, good. If you sing, good. If you dance, good. If nothing comes, simply remain silent. Because prayer is not in the expression; it is not in the container, it is in the content. Sometimes silence is a prayer, sometimes singing prayer. It depends on you; it depends on your heart.

U R A MaStErPiEcE.

There has never been a person like you before, there is nobody else like you right now in the whole world, and there will never be anybody like you. Just see how much respect existence has paid to you. You are a masterpiece- unrepeatable, incomparable and utterly unique. Even the hardest heart, will start melting in gratitude. Tears will start flowing, tears of bliss and joy, tears which laugh.

LeArN tO LaUgH N WeEp.

If you really want to laugh you will have to learn how to weep. If you cannot weep and if you are not capable of tears, you will become incapable of laughter. A man of laughter is also a man of tears- then a man is balanced. A man of bliss is also a man of silence. A man who is ecstatic is also a man who is centered. They both go together. And out of this togetherness of polarities a balanced being is born. And that is what the goal is.

Monday, July 18, 2005


Into the blue I saw the flocks of birds fly
The information was beautiful and made me cry.
How we friends move together
Birds of the same feather, flock together
Tell me who are your friends and
I shall tell you what you are
The love for each other makes our friendship true
But lame as I am I can neither fly now move
Or sail like a sea going ship
Like the birds may we love and fly
In the world of friendship we shall try.


You must be sensitive to the needs of the others and be willing to give assistance. As you progress along your success journey, you should acquire a greater sensitivity and a greater responsibility to the plight and condition of others. This human sensitivity puts you in harmony with your creator, and elevates the quality of your own being.

Stay healthy!

Staying healthy requires more than just eating the right foods. The list of things jotted would help you to cool and healthy during any season.
Drink plenty of water. It is very important to drink water. Your body needs water to prevent dehydration during warm days. Take rest or short naps. Don’t push yourself beyond your physical limits. Wear Sunscreen, Moisturizers and etc to prevent skin from sagging. Stay cool and wear light, loose fitting clothing to help you stay cooler and light. Maintain your energy level by limiting your intake of fat and sugar; focus on carbohydrates, proteins, fruits and vegetables.

ShArInG, CaRiNg AnD UnDeRsTaNdInG

One must understand the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul. Husband and wife should always be there for each other in order to share care and love; but intimacy should not be confused with submission. Life partners must give due attention to each others individual rights.
Marriage entails a unique combination of love and hatred. Its like a plant that needs to be watered on a regular basis so that it cam properly grow. Otherwise, it either withers away or entangles the individual lives of the couple in a terrible way.
Husband and wife are not clones. They are individuals having their unique selves as well. This individuality, or difference, is the real beauty of a relationship that has to be respected and appreciated. However, in many relationships the dominating spouse, husband or wife tries to change the partner’s disposition according to his or her personal wishes. In this futile attempt, they often invade each others domain, whish leads to tension, quarrel and even break ups.
Conservative husbands and snooping wives consider it their birth right to know each other and everything about their spouse’s life. They keep on inquiring about each other’s bank balance, official meetings, engagements, friends and even day-to-day activities. The practice of ransacking the wife’s purse, reading her personal diary, and fumbling into husband’s wallet is quite common. One may justify this by saying that he/she wants to be aware of the partner’s activities and contacts. But if this intrusion reaches an extent that keep on calling their partner or office secretary to trace their whereabouts and become suspicious of everything they do, it’s dangerous. Psychologists consider it physical intrusion that reflects one’s insecurity and distrust about one’s partner.
However, almost every one of us experiences some sort of physical, emotional or psychological intrusions in our marital life. I have come across a couple married for fifteen years; often have a fierce fight on tiny issues such as rolling up the car window while driving. They find it difficult to accommodate each other when it comes to TV watching and getting hold of the remote control. These are the tiny issues that can easily be resolved if partners develop the required understanding. The wife can let her husband watch his favorite program, and even try enjoying with him. By doing this she can actually get the freedom to watch her favorite play the next time. Similarly, she can get fresh air by opening the side-window, ventilator of the car fan without actually bothering her partner.
Partners must understand and care about each other’s requirements and accordingly define their boundaries. They must comprehend that after a tough day, a working man or wife needs leisure, relaxation and comfort. In that scenario, the ear splitting volume of TV, shrieking threats to children prove to be a psychological intrusion that simply keeps the person away from the house.
Couples must also understand each other’s psychological and emotional needs. The husband should understand why it’s important that once in a while his wife should get away from household chores, children and even from him to meet friends, cousins and sisters for hours. She must also get a chance to frequently read, write, stitch, paint, visit the gym, shop and socialize. Similarly, the wife must understand that her husband has a right to spend some time with his friends, play tennis or watch a game without any interference.
So, one can safely infer that sharing, caring, understanding, acceptance and forgiveness are the keys to a successful marriage.

Monday, June 27, 2005

P3rFuM3s WhIcH TuRn On...M3N N W@M4N

M3N :

212 by Carolina Herrera 4711
273 Indigo by Fred Hayman
Acqua Di Gio by Giorgio Armani
Aqva Pour Homme by Bvlgari
Aigner In Leather by Aigner
Armani by Giorgio Armani
Air by Kenzo
Allure by Chanel
Boss Soul by Hugo Boss
Black by Bvlgari
Blv by Bvlgari
BY by Dolce & Gabbana
Calvin by Calvin Klein
Chaps by Ralph Lauren
Chaumet by Chaumet
Casual Friday by Escada
Dark Blue by Hugo Boss
Diesel Green by Diesel
Declaration by Cartier
Dune by Christian Dior
Eau D'Orange Verte by Hermes
Escada by Escada
Eau Sauvage by Christian Dior
Emporio Armani White for Him by Giorgio Armani
Effusion by Iceberg
Ferrari Black by Ferrari Fred Hayman
Fahrenheit by Christian Dior
Givenchy Pour Homme by Givenchy
Gucci Pour Homme by Gucci
Herrera by Carolina Herrera
Higher by Christian Dior
Hei by Alfred Sung
Individuel by Mont Blanc
Intuition For Men by Estee Lauder
Jean Couturier 12 by Jean Couturier
Kouros by Yves Saint Laurent
Kenzo Pour Homme by Kenzo
Lacoste by Lacoste
Magnetism by Escada
Memoire D'Homme by Nina Ricci
Monsieur Givenchy by Givenchy
Musk by Jovan
Opium by Yves Saint Laurent
Polo Sport by Ralph Lauren
Pour Monsieur by Chanel
Passion by Elizabeth Taylor
Pleasures by Estee
Polo Blue by Ralph Lauren
Romance by Ralph Lauren
Roma by Laura Biagiotti
Silver Light by Escada
Sung by Alfred Sung
Ultramarine Evening Dream by Givenchy
Very Valentino by Valentino
Weekend by Burberry
White Musk by Jovan
Xeryus Rouge by Givenchy
Zino by Davidoff Zirh International
Zizanie by Fragonard

W@M4N :

212 H2O by Carolina Herrera
5th Avenue by Elizabeth Arden
Apercu by Houbigant
Absolute by Bvlgari
Addict by Christian Dior
Arden Beauty by Elizabeth Arden
Aroma Source by Lancome
Asja by Fendi
Allure by Chanel
Bellagio by Bellagio
Boss Intense by Hugo Boss
Brit by Burberry
Be Clean Energy by Benetton
Blue Grass by Elizabeth Arden
Beautiful Sheer by Estee Lauder
Calandre by Paco Rabanne Chaumet
Contradiction by Calvin Klein
Chic by Carolina Herrera
Cool Water by Davidoff
Cristalle by Chanel
Dazzling Gold by Estee Lauder
Dolce Vita by Christian Dior
Deci Dela by Nina Ricci Diesel
Deep Red by Hugo Boss
Dior Me Dior Not by Christian Dior
Diorella by Christian Dior
Dune by Christian Dior
Delight by Lancaster
Diorissimo by Christian Dior
Eau De Givenchy by Givenchy
Emporio Armani by Giorgio Armani
Forever Elizabeth by Elizabeth Taylor
Fcuk For Her by French Connection UK
Feeling Free by Escada
Fleur De Fleur by Nina Ricci
Fendi Donna by Fendi
Gransenbon by Givenchy
Glamourous by Ralph Lauren Gres
Gucci by Gucci
Herrera by Carolina Herrera
Hypnotic Poison by Christian Dior
Intuition by Estee Lauder
J'Adore by Christian Dior
Jaguar Woman by Jaguar
Jardin De Soleil ( Ladies ) by Escada
Kenzo De Kenzo by Kenzo Kriza
Kenneth Cole Black by Kenneth Cole
Lily Chic by Escada
Lauren by Ralph Lauren
Lacoste Pour Femme by Lacoste
Love In Paris by Nina Ricci
Mania Femme by Giorgio Armani
Miss Dior by Christian Dior
Nu by Yves Saint Laurent
O Oui by Lancome
Organza Indecence by Givenchy
O-Zone by Sergio Tacchini
Omnia by Bvlgari
Pour Elle by Paco Rabanne
Pleasures by Estee Lauder
Pure by Alfred Sung
Poeme by Lancome
Pure Poison by Christian Dior
Poison by Christian Dior
Polo Sport by Ralph Lauren
Ralph Cool by Ralph Lauren
Red Door Revealed by Elizabeth Arden
Sha by Alfred Sung
Spellbound by Estee Lauder
Tea Rose by Perfum's Workshop
Time for Relax by Versace
Tendre Poison by Christian Dior
Tommy Jeans ( Ladies ) by Hilfiger
Truth by Calvin Klein
V/S by Versace
Venezia by Laura Biagiotti
Very Irresistible by Givenchy
White Diamonds by Elizabeth Taylor
White Linen by Estee Lauder
XS Extreme Girl by Paco Rabanne
Ysatis Iris by Givenchy
Zero Plus by Diesel

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

1@@ WaYs To SaY I LoVe YoU...

Afrikaans : Ek het jou liefe
Afrikaans : Ek is lief vir jou
African: Ek hou van jou !
Albanian : Te dua Albanian : Te dashuroj
Alsacien : Ich hoan dich gear
American : Californian You're da bomb!
Armenian: Gesirem kesi
Armenian: Yes kesi gesirem
Amharic : Afekrishalehou
Arab : Habibti
Arabic : Bahibik male to female
Arabic : Benhibak more than one male or female to male
Arabic : Ohiboke male to female
Arabic : (not standard)
Arabic : Ana Ba-heb-bak
Arabic : Ana Behibak (to a male)
Arabic : Ana Behibek (to a female)
Arabic : Bahibak female to male
Arabic : Benhibik m.t.o.m. or f. to female
Arabic : Benhibkom m.t.o.m. or f. to more than one male
Arabic : Nohiboka m.t.o.m. or f. to male
Arabic : Nohiboke more than one male or female to female
Arabic : Nohibokom m.t.o.m. or f. to more than two males
Arabic : Nohiobokoma m.t.o.m. or f. to two males or two females
Arabic : Nohibokon m.t.o.m. or f. to more than two females
Arabic : Ohiboka female to male
Arabic : Ohibokoma male or female to two males or two females
Arabic: Ib'n hebbak.
Assamese : Moi tomak bhal pau
Basc: Nere Maitea
Batak: Holong rohangku di ho
Bavarian : I mog di narrisch gern
Bengali : Ami tomake bhalobashi.
Bengali : Ami tomAy bhAlobAshi
Berber : Lakh tirikhBewes: (arab living in the desert) “ahibch”
Brazil: Eu te amoBrazil: Amo voceBrazil: Amo-a (to a female)Brazil: Amo-o (to a male)
Bicol : Namumutan ta ka
Bolivian : Quechua qanta munaniBosnian : ja te volimBhutan, dzongkha: nga che lu gaye
Bulgarian: Az te obicham!
Burmese : chit pa de
Cambodian : Bon sro lanh oon
Cambodian : kh_nhaum soro_lahn nhee_ah
Canadian French : Shteme (spoken, sounds like this)
Cantonese : Ngo oi ney
Catalan : T'estim (mallorcan)
Catalan : T'estim molt (I love you a lot)
Catalan : T'estime (valencian)
Catalan : T'estimo !
Cebuano : Gihigugma ko ikaw.
Chickasaw : chiholloli (first "i" nasalized)
Chinese: Wo ai ni !Chinese Cantonese : Ngo Oi Lei
ChineseMandarin : Wo ai ni !
ChineseMandarin :
Cilubà: Ndi mukuswè
Cape verdean island creole : mi te goshta de boCorsican : Ti tengu cara (to female)
Corsican : Ti tengu caru (to male)
Creole: Mwen Renmen Ou (for male an female)
Croatian : LJUBim te
Croatian : Volim Te
Czech : miluji te
Czech : Miluju te! (colloquial form)
Danish : Jeg elsker dig !
Dutch : Ik ben verliefd op je
Dutch : Ik hou van jou !Dutch: Ik zie je graag
Ecuador : Quechua canda munani
English (of 1600) : I love thee !
English : I love you !
English - American: I woof you
Esperanto : Mi amas vin !
Estonian : Ma armastan sind
Estonian : Mina armastan sind
Farsi : (Persian) doostat dAram
Farsi : Asheghetam
Farsi :Tora dust midaram
Flemish: Ik hue van yeFlemish : 'k zie oa gheerne
Filipino : Iniibig Kita
Filipino : Mahal ka ta
Finnish : Minä rakastan sinua
Finnish: short version Mä rakastan sua !
Ferengi: Tkidla
French : Je t'aime !
Friesian : Ik hald fan dei
Gaelic : Ta gra agam ort
Georgian : Miqvarxar !
German : Ich liebe dich !
Greek : Kagapo se !
Greek : S'agapo !
Gujrati : Hoon tane pyar karoochhoon.
Hausa : Ina sonki
Hawaian : Aloha !
Hawaian: Aloha au ia'oe
Hebrew : Ani ohev otach (male to female)
Hebrew : Ani ohev otcha (male to male)
Hebrew : Ani ohevet otach (female to female)
Hebrew : Ani ohevet otcha (female to male)
Hindi : Mai tumse pya karti hoon(female to male.not very often)
Hindi : Mai tumse pyar karta hoo(male to female)
Hokkien : Wa ai lu
Hopi : Nu' umi unangwa'ta
Hungarian : Szeretlek
Hungarian : Szeretlek te'ged
Icelandic : Eg elska thig
Indonesian : Aku cinta padamu
Indonesian : Saja kasih saudari
Indonesian : Saya Cinta Kamu
Indonesian : Saya cinta padamu
Interlingua : Io te ama !
Irish : I`m in love with you !
Irish : taim i' ngra leat
Italian : Io ti amo / Io ti voglio bene !
Jamaican "mi luv yeh" Yap FSM : ( Micronesia)....Gub adagem (Gub add gem)
Japanese : Kimi o ai shiteruJapanese : Watakushi wa anata ga suki desu!
Japanese : (short version : Suki! or Suki desu!)
Japanese : Watakushi-wa anata-wo ai shimasu
Jugoslavian : Ya te volim
Kannada : Naanu Ninnanu Mohisuthene
Kiswahili : Nakupenda
Klingon : qabang
Klingon : qaparHa' (depends where in the galaxy you are)
Korean :
Korean : Nanun tangshinul sarang hamnida
Korean : No-rul sarang hae (man to woman in casual relation)
Korean : Sarang Ham-nida !
Korean : Tangshin-i cho-a-yo (i like you, in a romantic way)
Korean : Tangshin-ul sarang hae-yo
Korean : Tangsinul sarang ha yo
Kurdish : Ez te hezdikhem (?)
Lao : Koi muk jao
Latin : (old) (Ego) amo te (ego, for emphasis)
Latin : Te amo !
Latin : Vos amo
Latvian : Es milu tevi (Pronounced "Ess tevy meeloo")
Lavanese : Kulo tresnoIkannada Naanu Ninnanu Preethisuthene
Lingala : Nalingi yo
Lisbon : lingo gramo-te bue', chavalinha
Lithuanian : Myliu tave !
Lojban : mi do prami
Loring : (inland) s’isch en witz
Loring : (north-side)hoi ! So gsen ig wers copiert!
Loring : (west-coast)S'isch an chliine bug !
Lugbara: Nkuku biibita
Luo : AheriLuxembourg : Ech hun dech gaer
Madingo (Liberia): Nye ye fairr ! Macedonian : Sakam te!
Madrid : lingo Me molas, troncaMalagasy : Tiako ianao
Malay : Saya cintamu
Malay : Saya sayangmu
Malay/Indonesian : Aku sayang enkow
Malay/Indonesian : Saya kasih awak !
Malay/Indonesian : Sayah Chantikan Awah
Malay: Aku cinta padamu !
Malayalam : Njyaan Ninne' Mohikyunnu.
Malayalam : Njyaan Ninne' Preetikyunnu
Mandarin : Wo ai ni !
Maltese: Inhobbok
Marathi : me tujhashi prem karte (female to male)
Marathi : me tujhashi prem karto (male to female)
Maroc: Kan h'bek
Mexico: Te amo!Moldavian: (the republique of Moldova) Te iubesc la nebunie!!!
Mongolian: Ta durtaj juu bi
Mohawk : Khenoronhqua (Konoronhkwa.. ?)
Mongolian : Rebec sum tuyum we !
Navaho : Ayor anosh'ni
Ndebele : NiyakutandaNederlands : ik hou van jouNederlands / Belgium : ik zie je graagNepali: Ma timilai maya Garchhu !
Nigerian : dialect (Yoruba) : Mo ni ife e !
Norwegian : Eg elskar deg (Nynorsk)
Norwegian : Jeg elsker deg (Bokmaal) (pronounced "yai elske dai")
Old Englishic : Lufie the (ich loovje thay) !
Osetian : Aez dae warzyn
Papiamentoe: (dutch antilles): Mi gusta bo
Papiamentoe: (dutch antilles): mi stimabo
Pakistan-north (pashto) female : zama thu deer khwakhayeh
Pakistan-north (pashto) male : zama thu deer khwakh ey
Pakistan-north (pashto) romantic : zama tha sara mina da
Persian : Tora dost daram
Peul: (West-Africa): Hi da laba
Philippines : Tagalog " Mahal kita !"
Philippines: (Ilonggo – dialect) 'Ginahigugma Ko Ikaw'
Polish : Ja cie kocham
Polish : Kocham cie !
Portuguese : Amo-te
Portuguese : Eu te amo ! amo você!
Portuguese : Amo você!
Punjabi : Mai tanu pyar karda.
Quenya : Tye-mela'ne
Réunion :(version créole) "Mi aim a ou"
Romanian : Te iu besc
Russian : Ya tebya lyublyu. (I love you) Russain : Ya vass lyublyu. (I love you - polite form) Russian : Ya polyubil tebya. (I have fallen in love with you) Russian : Ya polyubil vass. (I have fallen in love with you - polite form)
Rumantch: (4th part of switzerland) Eau t'am !
Sardo: Ti cherzo eneSardo: Ti chelzo ene Sardo: Ti ollu beni
Scot Gaelic : Tha gradh agam ort
Scottish : Gaelic's tough leam ort
Serbian : lubim te.
Serbocroatian : volim te
Shona : Ndinokuda
Sinhalese : Mama oyata adarei
Sioux : Techihhila
Slovak : Lubim ta
Slowenian : Lubim tje ! ( ljubim te.. ?)Slowenian : Mateja
Somalian : (east africa) waku ja,elahay
Spanish : Te quiero !Spanish : te adoro
Spanish : Yo te amo !
Surinamian: Mi e lobi yuSrilankan : Mama Oyata Arderyi
Swabian: I måg de
Swahili : Ninakupenda !
Swedish: Jag älskar dig !
Swiss-german : I ha di gärn !
Swiss-german : ig liebe di!
Syrian/Lebanes : Bhebbak (to a male)
Syrian/Lebanes : Bhebbek (to a female)
Tagalog: Mahal kita
Tamil : Naan Unnai kaadhalikiren
Tcheque :Miluji te
Telugu : Neenu ninnu premistunnanu
Telugu/india : Nenu Ninnu premistunnanuTelgu : I love U
Thai : Ch'an Rak Khun
Thai : Phom Rak Khun
Tunisian : Ha eh bak
Turkish : Seni Seviyorum
Uganda : Nkwaagala
Ukrainian : ja pokokhAv tebe
Ukrainian : ja pokokhAv vas
Ukrainian : ja vas kokhaju
Ukrainian: Ya tebe kokhayu !
Urdu : Mujhe tumse mohabbat hai
Urdu: (male) "Main tum say piyar karta hoon"
Urdu: (female)."Main tum say piyar karty hoon"
Vietnamese : Anh yeu em (man to woman)
Vietnamese : Em yeu anh (woman to man)
Vlaams : Ik hue van ye
Vulcan : Wani ra yana ro aisha
Welsh : 'Rwy'n dy garu di.
Welsh : Yr wyf i yn dy garu di (chwi)
Welsh : Dwli ar fi
Yiddish : Ich han dich lib
Yiddish : Ich libe dich
Zazi : Ezhele hezdege (?)
Zulu : Ngiyakuthanda!
Zulu : Ni lami lako
Zuni : Tom ho' ichema

Saturday, June 04, 2005

RoMaNcE RoUnD tHe CoRnEr

Make a little loving gesture every day. Cuddle on the sofa and watch a movie. Take a bubble bath together. Walk on the beach in the moonlight. Put a note in a romance novel saying, "The story is great but our own love story is the best". Put a single red rose on the seat of your lover's car before they go to work. Make love to him/her every night until he/she asks you to stop. Sprinkle perfume on to light bulb. When light is turned on the scent of the perfume will fill the room. Relax with a glass of white wine. Listen to a romantic audio tape, fix a cup of hot flavored tea, and light two candles. Keep a journal of your romantic fantasies. Share it with your soul mate. Take a picture of yourself in the most sexy outfit possible. Hide in a secret spot in your house and leave him or her clues on how to get there. Watch the sparks fly! Put a blindfold on your lover and drive them to a place where you have a blanket, candles, strawberries, sparkling drinks, and a rose. Park the car and take off the blindfold while you read a poem you have written for them. While your lover is in the shower, or bath, put their bath towel in a hot dryer for a few minutes. Greet them when they get out of the shower with the toasty towel. Unplug the TV set. Put a note on the screen saying, "Turn Me on Instead". Play "hide-and-seek" in the rain. It's fun and VERY sensual! Fill bathtub with warm water sprinkled with rose petals. Surprise your lover with a kiss before they can finish a sentence. Write your own love poems then record them on a tape and give them to your sweetheart. While your love takes a shower, write the words "I love you" in the condensation of the bathroom mirror. Play the game of monopoly with a few new rules. Change boardwalk into backrub, and Tennessee into take your shirt off. Every time you pass go, you get a kiss. etc. Look into the eyes of your special someone often. "The eyes are the window to the soul". Weave love, sex, intimacy, passion and romance into the fabric of your daily lives. Spend one solid hour exploring various kissing techniques. Turn your "bedroom" into a "boudoir". Use soft colors and fabrics, fresh cut flowers on your nightstand, mirrors everywhere, etc. Hang your lovers Favorite art on your walls.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

NeW yOgA

They provide sum form of stretchin, stress-bustin, fitness-boostin nd othrz..!
Gentle stretchin makes the muscles unwind at their own pace. they can boost flexibility, balance, strength nd reduce stress ne help in proper breathin.
Strengthenin promote muscles nd strength by requiring to hold postures for extended periods. they also help in buildin toned muscles nd strong bones, increase flexibility, nd improve posture.
Aerobic Conditionin is mainly based on stretchin, lungin, twistin, archin, nd leapin from posture to posture without rest.
Dancin uses music and inserts free flowing sequences between sustained yoga postures.
Sweatin helps loosen the muscles, raises the heart rate for a modest aerobic benefit, nd promotes sweatin, which cleanses the body.
Breathin uses methods such as the intense, abdomen-snappin " breath of fire " that supposedly unleashes a vital force.
Meditatin prepares the body for deep reflection directing energy to different organs. the postures here are self-paced, so they're likely to be more meditative nd strengthnin.

12 WaYz tO bUrN aBt 150 CaLoRiEs

Washin nd Waxin a car- 45-60 minutes
Washin Windows or floors- 45-60 minutes
Playin Volleyball- 45 minutes
Gardenin- 30-45 minutes
Walkin 1 3/4 miles- 35 minutes
Bicyclin 5 miles- 30 minutes
Dancin Fast- 30 minutes
Walkin 2 miles- 30 minutes
Swimmin laps- 20 minutes
Jumpin Rope- 15 minutes
Runnin 1 1/2 miles- 15 minutes
Stair Climbin- 15 minutes

Saturday, April 30, 2005


Success means victory.

Success gives fame, reputation and good name.

One has to work hard and keep putting continuous effort to achieve it. Its said “Failure is the stepping stone for success “ , Failure definitely prevails a success . One has to set goals keep
Striving to achieve these , few hurdles or few failures stop from achieving the goals .
Which depresses the persons , a positive thinking may help them to overcome these .

A lot of homework need to be done before going out to achieve the goal, build a frame work and time line to start working on it . The failures are to be observed in the frame work. Few success stories end up by win-win situations .

A person who is successful will be at the top of the world . A person who is successful in life will have respect in society . Success comes thru deportment, punctuality , sincerity and hard work .

Friday, April 22, 2005


Clever man : The one who does what he thinks is right.
Most Potent Force : Positive Thinking
Greatest Handicap : Egoism
Greatest Loss : The loss of self-confidence
Greatest Need : Common Sense
Greatest Victory : Victory over oneself..!

Do's N DoNt's..2 mAkE uR LoVe LaSt..

click on the link below...

Friday, March 25, 2005

tYpEs Of kIsSiNg.

Angel Kiss
This is a sweet, comfortin kiss, gently nd ever so lightly kiss ur partner either on the eyelid or rite nxt to the eyes.
Butterfly Kiss
With ur faces less than a breath away, open nd close ur eyelids against ur partners. The fluttering sensation will match ur hearts.
Vacuum Kiss
While kissin open mouthed, slightly suck in as if u were suckin the air frm ur partners mouth. this is a playfull kiss.
Eyelid Kiss
Softly kiss ur partners eyelids one at a time. This is very erotic nd an arousing kiss.
Eskimo Kiss
With ur faces less than ur breath apart, rub ur noses together.
Ghost Kiss
Get very close to ur lovers face nd look down at the lips as if ur abt to kiss them. Just as they beleive ur goin to kiss, brush ur lips up over the cheekbones and eyelids without firmly kissing.This kiss will leave them wantin so much more.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

MaInTaInIn A gUd PoStUrE wHiLe WoRkInG oN A pC

Many of the ill-effects of computer use can be lessened or avoided altogether by utilising correct typing technique and posture, ensuring correct set up of equipment and good work habits.

Place computer monitor and keyboard directly in front of you so as to avoid twisting your neck.

Monitor should be 20-24 inches away from eyes and the height of the monitor should be 5-15 inches below horizontal line of sight.

The mouse and keyboard should be at the same height.

Shoulders should be relaxed with elbows forming a right angle and wrists extending straight and unbent from the arms. Hold wrists in neutral position, not upward or downward.

Use an adjustable chair that provides firm, comfortable support.
Adjust chair height so that thighs are horizontal, and feet are flat on the floor (use a footrest if necessary). Chair should be with a backrest for lumbar support.

Do not slouch.

Ensure that frequently used materials are within easy reach.

Get up and move around as often as possible - at least once every 20 to 30 minutes.

Block excessive sunlight with drapes or blinds and use indirect room lighting.

Give your eyes a rest every 15 to 20 minutes by focusing on a distant object for 10 to 15 seconds and blink often to prevent dry eyes.

Use holder to hold paper.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

EaRlY SaT MoRnInG..!

Last Morning I woke up Early by Around 5.30 am.

I was awake nd felt that I was fresh enough to take a Mornin Walk to the Lalbagh Gardens.
I Slipped out of the house nd Walked alone to the Lalbagh Gardens to start off My Fresh nd Energetic Mornin.
It was a beautiful scene for Me when I entered the Lalbagh Gardens. The mist had hung itself out like a big curtain. The leaves and half- bloomed flowers were filled with dew. The Cool Breeze blew across gently greeting Me as I made my way towards the Lake. It was Serene all around except for the chirping of the birds. It was a feast to My Eyes. Then, I climbed up the hill. I sat on the rocks of the hill gazing at the Rising Sun. The Nature bathed in the hue of the Rising Sun. My Heart was lifted with Happiness. It was Truly a Marvelous Experience. I Returned Home makin up My Mind to walk to the Gardens Every SaT MoRnIn.

tOdAy..! iS GrEaT dAy..!

Yesterday is gone, Tomorrow is unknown.
What we have is Today Alone !

Whatever we want to do can be done only- Today..!

We may plan to do somethin Tomorrow.
But we can really do it only when that Tomorrow becomes- Today..!

We can become Great Personalities of the Future
Only when we accomplish great things at present- Today..!

We may utilize the Experiences of the Past and
We may design plans for the Future
But we can work them out only at Present- Today..!

We can Laugh Today, We can Weep Today,
We can Enjoy Today, We can Think Today,
We can Party Today, We can Study Today,
We can Make Love Today, We can have Fun Today,
We can do Everythin Today..!

Tomorrow is Unborn nd Yesterday is Dead..
Only Today is Alive..

So, Accept the Facts of Life and
Enjoy Every Second of Your Present Life..!

Thursday, March 03, 2005

LoVeRs CaTeGoRy

Romantic Lover:
This lover thinks constantly about the loved one, is jealous, unrealistic, will tolerate anything, is sexually attracted by physical appearance, needs repeated reassurance he/she is loved in return. Typically lasts a few months or a few years.

Companionate Lover:
This lover enjoys the companionship and intimacy of a close friendship. It is a comfortable, slowly developing, trusting, committed relationship, not intense excitement, desperation, or sexual obsessions.

Unselfish Lover:
This lover is devoted and self-sacrificing to the loved one, gives without expecting anything in return, is gentle, caring, and dutiful.

Logical Lover:
This lover carefully selects the "right person" logically, looking for someone with compatible interests, similar education and religion, a harmonious personality, common values, and long-term goals.

Game-Playing Love:
This person may be charming but is hardly a lover; he/she merely enjoys the dating game. He/she relishes the meeting, the impressing, the seducing, the challenge of a conquest but usually makes it clear there is little or no long-term commitment to the other person.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

GrAdUaTiOn DaY

22nd FeB 2005 is an Important Day in My Life. Our Graduation Day which will shrug us throughout Our Lives..
V had a Grand Event tat Day. Our Graduation Day was Really Touchin.. It was the time wen i Really Realized tat my dayz in College is comin to an End. I feel bad leavin my college nd friends after bein together for 3 long yrs.
That Day was Touchin for all of Us. V had Long Lectures frm A Person who was a Doctor nd a Theatre Personality. V then had Lunch which was served as our Final Lunch in College nd went on for Photo Shoots with Friends. V clicked pics in our College Campus.
All of us had Fun..but at the same time felt really bad leavin our college...

tHe aViAtOr..!

Starring Leonardo diCaprio, Alan Alda, Alec Baldwin, Kate Beckinsale, Cate Blanchett, Gwen Stefani Directed by Martin Scorcese.

Click below for More Details:

Monday, February 21, 2005

SaT nOOn DiScO..

I wazz done with my college by around 1 pm. Two of My Friends decided to Hit the Sparks Floors to Party; so v were three of us: Two Gurlz nd a Guy. V Lunched in KFC (Forum), Shopped some gud Music CD's in landmark nd then Headed to Sparks to Dance our Noon. V reached sparks around quarter to 2. The Place was Smoky Floodin with Teens nd Late 20's. V hit the Sparks Dance Floors nd Danced our Noon away to the Hip Hop nd House Music in sparks.!

It wazz Fun Dancin..after a Very Long Time..!

Thursday, February 17, 2005

MaSSaGe fOr mY MiNd nD BoDy..!

I was really Tired Yesterday; I called home one of the Masseur next door nd went in for an Aroma Therapy Massage for a Healthy Mind and Body.

I wanted to relax My Tired Mind nd Boost My Sagging Spirits. Undoubtedly, a Massage is a Highly Soothing and Stimulating Activity which came in My way to Rejuvenate My Mind nd body. This massage was a Therapeutic, Long and Luxuriant AromaTherapy Massage which went in for a couple of hours.

Firstly, The Masseur asked me to Fragrance the room with Incense Sticks, Switch on some Soothing Background Music, Keep the Room Temperature Warm by shutting the windows, Draw the Curtains and Dim the Lights.

Secondly, The Masseur asked Me to surface the floor with a large cotton sheet covered with a bath towel. I put my head on a pillow, wrappped around a towel for My body and a covered My feet with a warm blanket. The Masseur used 1 or 2 drops of essential oil in a base oil (coconut, sweet almond and jojoba) of his choice and then gently massaged it all over My Body. The Masseur's Massage movements was slow and gentle to help me relax and eliminate my tensions.

Finally, My Mind was soo Relaxed and Comfortable after the AromaTherapy Massage. My Masseur was Perfect in all the Massage Strokes leaving me feel Relaxed and Stimulated at the same time. It relieved my stress and fatigue and gave me a new lease of life.

HuSbAnD 1.0

Last year a friend of mine upgraded from BoyFriend 1.0 to Husband 1.0 and found that it's a memory hog, leaving very little system resources available for other applications.

She is now noticing that Husband 1.0 is also spawning Child Processors which are further consuming valuable resources. No mention of these particular phenomena was included in the product brochure or the documentation, though other users have informed her that this is to be expected due to the nature of the application.

Not only that, Husband 1.0 installs itself such, that it is always launched at system initialization, where it can monitor all other system activity. She's finding that some applications such as Spending Spree 2.4, Girls Night 3.5 and Cocktail Night 7.0 are no longer able to run in the system at all, crashing the system when selected (even though they always worked fine before).

During installation, Husband 1.0 provides no option as to the installation of undesired Plug-ins such as Mother-In-Law 5.8 and Brother-In-Law Beta release. Also, system performance seems to diminish with each passing day.

Some features she'd like to see in the upcoming Husband 2.0 include:

1. A "Yes I'll cook, clean etc." button.
2. An install shield feature that allows Husband 2.0 be installed with the option to uninstall at anytime without the loss of cache and other system resources.

I myself decided to avoid the headache associated with Husband 1.0 by sticking with BoyFriend 2.0. Even here, however, I found many problems.

Apparently you cannot install BoyFriend 2.0 on top of BoyFriend 1.0; each program begins damaging the other. You must uninstall BoyFriend 1.0 first. Other users say this is a long standing bug that I should have known about. You'd think they would have fixed such a stupid bug by now! To make matters worse, the uninstall program for BoyFriend 1.0 doesn't work very well, leaving undesirable traces of the application in the system.

Versions of BoyFriend 1.0 continually popup annoying messages about the advantages of upgrading to Husband 1.0.

Bug Warning- Husband 1.0 has an undocumented bug. If you try to install Lover 1.1 before uninstalling Husband 1.0, Husband 1.0 will delete MS Clothing allowance files, before doing the uninstall himself.

Applications that won't run with Husband 1.0 include Chippendale 2.0, Netball watching 3.5, Suremoreshoes 6.0, and Cleanup 4.3.

Applications that run very well with Husband 1.0, however, include Bummingaround 1.0, Pubnight 2.3, Golfing 2.7, Pokernight 5.3, and Wandering eyes 4.9.

So, Im really Confused What to do..!

pEnTiUM JoKeS..!

What do you get when you cross a Pentium PC with a research grant?
> A mad scientist.

What's another name for the "Intel Inside" sticker they put on Pentiums?
> The warning label.

What algorithm did Intel use in the Pentium's floating point divider?
> "Life is like a box of chocolates..." (Source: F. Gump of Intel)

According to Intel, the Pentium conforms to the IEEE standards 754 and 854 for floating point arithmetic. If you fly in aircraft designed using a Pentium, what is
the correct pronunciation of "IEEE"?
> Aaaaaaaiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeee!

Saturday, February 12, 2005

KiSnA...ThE wArRiOr PoET

Subhash Ghai, is back with his new movie KISNA.

Staring Vivek Oberoi, Antonia Bernath, Michael Maloney, Amrish Puri, Yashpal Sharma, Rajat Kapoor & Isha Sharvani.

A.R. Rahman's music is rich and melodious.

If u wanna know more, refer the link below:

Thursday, February 10, 2005

StReSs ReLaTeD iLLnEsS..

They include most instances of high blood pressure, migraine and tension headaches, and peptic ulcer as well as many other problems.

Autonomic Control - The autonomic system is composed of the sympathetic branch (active in response to stress), and the parasympathetic branch (active during relaxation and digestion). In a general way this may be thought of as quieting the emotions.

Breathing - Those who have learned to sing or play a wind instrument have often been taught diaphragmatic breathing, but many others are uncertain about this healthy form of breathing.

Muscle Relaxation - Muscles are activated in response to stress as part of the fight-flight pattern. When muscles are active they use much more energy than when relaxed. When muscles are relaxed, messages are sent to the brain to the effect "everything is OK." This helps to relax both the sympathetic nervous system and the central nervous system.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

SuNdAy BrUnCh..

I Wazz really very Hungry since Morning,so i had to Cook Brunch by my own..

I made up my mind to prepare Dhal Roti nd Some Fresh Veggie Salad tossed with Mayonnaise nd Low Fat Cottage Cheese for Brunch.

Firstly for the Roti (Indian Bread), I had to take 2-3 cups of wheat flour nd maida,2-tsps of sugar nd salt, 2 tsps-milk,2 tsps-curds, 1 cup of luke warm water in the beginnin, 1 cup of cold water to make it a soft nd final dough, I divided the dough into peach-size balls, I then used a rolling-pin, to roll out the dough into a thin,round patty, about 5 inches in diameter. Then i heated the Tawa for a minute, I placed the round patty uncooked roti on the tawa nd brushed it with olive nd castrol oil to make it a finally cooked soft roti.

Secondly for the Dhal, I had to Steam 1/2 cup of gram dhal, 1/2 cup of urad dhal, 1/2 cup of thoor dhal in my microwave for 10 minutes. In the meanwhile, I took care of adding more contents to the dhal by taking a frying pan nd adding in some olive oil, 1/4 tsp-mustard seeds, 1/2 tsp-jeera, a pinch of asafetida, 2 green chillies finally chopped, 2 tsps - salt nd fryin it till it turns out to be golden brown. At the 10th minute of dhal cookin in the microwave, I added the above fried contents to the steamed dhal.

Thirdly for the Veggie Salad, I took 1 big bowl of cauliflower, carrot, cabbage, raddish, lettuce, tomato, olives, beetroot, parsley nd tossed the above veggies with mayonnaise nd low fat cottage cheese. I had to dress the salad with 1-tsp of vinegar, 1 tsp of lemon juice nd 1- tsp of ginger juice (other step for adding in lemon grass is to add fresh gingers with hot water), a pinch of white pepper. I whisked in all the above contents in a bowl to serve it.

( Note: To make an Italian Veggie Salad, try adding 1/4 cup red wine, vinegar, 1 clove garlic, minced,1/2 teaspoon salt, dash of pepper, 1/4 teaspoon dried basil, oregano or mixed Italian herbs, 3/4 cup olive oil to the above veggies.)

All the above servings were ready in about half an hour; I enjoyed cookin and eating my brunch..

I Hope U Try My Meal By Tryin Out There At UR Place..N'JoY

Saturday, February 05, 2005

PaGe 3

I Enjoyed Watchin a Gud Hindi Movie after a Very Long Time. Page 3 is the most spoken movie of today. Its different from tat of the others. It conveys some kinda message very clearly to the people.

I loved this Movie from the Beginnin to the End..It is a must See Movie..

so GeT gOiN..

Dont Miss Out to Watch this Movie..

Thursday, February 03, 2005

15 tHiNgS yOu PrObAbLy NeVeR kNeW oR tHoUgHt aBoUt

At least 5 people in this world love you soo much they would die for you
At least 5 people in this world love you in some way.
The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you
A smile from you can bring hapiness to anyone, even if they dont like you
Every night, someone thinks about you before they go to sleep.
You mean the world to someone
If not for you, someone may not be living
You are special and unique
Someone that you dont even know exists, loves you
When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it
When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look: you most likely turned your back on the world
When you think you have no chance of getting what you want, you probably wont get i, but if -you beleive in yourself, probably sooner or later, you will get it.
Always remember the compliments you received. forget about about the rude remarks
Always tell someone how you feel about them; you will feel much better when they know.
If you have a great friend, take the time to let them know that they are great.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

mY LoVe...

I love you more than words could ever say,
I feel it growing in my heart each and every day,
All this love I feel
Has never felt so real
You give me something no one has ever given me,
It's something you cannot see
Love so strong, and so true
It makes me think of only you
This wonderful feeling you have given me
Makes me want to be with you endlessly

I want to be in your arms
To feel your warm embrace
It makes me feel so safe from harm
Plus, I love to touch your face
I love to look into your eyes
To look through your disguise
To feel your warm hands within mine
As our fingers gently become entwined

Your kisses so soft and sweet
Antagonizing pleasure
Placed upon my lips
Where dreams come true
In just one kiss!

Sharing an afternoon of ecstasy
Closing the door on reality
Not even the thickest iceberg
Could melt the lust I feel inside!

I shed my fears faster than my clothes
The anticipation begins to unfold
My heart begins to pound faster
As you come closer

Just one look from your eyes
And I become hypnotized
A river of sins, to which I concede
Just one kiss, caused the undoing of me!

Your lips gently pressed against mine
A silent submission of tongues intertwined
My mouth tenderly pressed against yours
My voice trembles as you start to explore

Electric shocks as your tongue touches mine
An erotic dance of passing time
My heart's racing as fast as yours
My body's craving for something more!

Starving and Craving
For an evening
Of erotic bliss
Where dreams come true
In Just One Kiss.

It makes me crave a thousand more
I wonder how your heart keeps a steady beat,
Because mine just soars

I love the way you let me know
How much you love me so
I love how much you care
The love you show to me is beyond compare,
I love the way you smile
That compliments your sexy style
My eyes are kept on you all the while

I love to hear you say "okay"
You say it at least once a day
I love the way you apologize
Because it always makes me realize
That what you did, was done unintentionally,
And that you still love me
Even though I'm strange
You don't want me to change
You say that I'm just right
Especially when we're about to fight

I hate to see you mad
I hate to see you sad
It makes me feel so bad
What you feel, I feel
That's because our love is real
I hate to see you cry
To always have to wonder why?
I'm sorry I sometimes do the things I do
That always make you feel blue
I'm sorry if I hurt you so
My anger is sometimes hard to control

I don't like when you feel insecure
Don't worry so much, because I'm sure
That no one can ever take your place
Because I love not only your beautiful face,
I also love the real you inside
There's no way I could have let you pass me by

Don't worry you're the only one for me
You, and I, and everyone else can see
I love you with all my heart
No one could ever make us part.

mY LiTTlE pOcKeT dEvIcE !

My IpOd is a pocketable device which keep's me connected to all my favorite music...!

It's a portable MP3 player with a built-in hard drive for storingmusic files. What's revolutionary about the IpOd is its simplicity.

Its just like a small box that can store over 10,000 songs, has excellent sound quality and can play music for up to 12 hours on a single battery charge! And a 40 GB size of IpOd Hard Disk.

At the hardware level, the IpOd is a very small hard-drive, that allows one to download MP3s, and play them back at will.

It has an extremely easy to understand interface - with a jog wheel and a push button to select songs or play-lists. It interfaces to the computer using a very simple ultra-high speed connector called firewire which transfers information in a matter of a few seconds.

What really makes the IpOd a dream device for all music lovers is that one could encode an entire collection of hundreds of CDs into MP3 format and save it all on the IpOd and enjoy it anywhere.

With the IpOd at your fingertips, you can have your own little personalise radio station at all times. With a powerful built-in amplifier and high-quality headphones, the IpOd offers an excellent listening experience.

One of the most amazing utilities of the IpOd is that it lets one purchasesongs from the iTunes Music Store. iTunes is an all-in-one music playing application introduced by Apple with features like downloading music online, importing music from CDs, burning CDs or DVDs, listening to Internet Radio and lots more. Together, the iPod and iTunes make a deadly musical combination.

My IpOd is intelligent enough to keep data files separate from the music collection so that they aren't accidentally deleted whenupdating music. The basic iPod device weighs just 6.5 ounces and has been designed to fit comfortably in the palm or be slipped into a pocket for easy transport.

So, its mY LiTTlE pOcKeT dEvIcE !

FaLLiNg iN lOvE..?

There are Three Phases and Stages to Fall in Love:

Events occurring in the brain when we are in love have similarities with mental illness.

When we are attracted to somebody, it could be because subconsciously we like their genes.

Smell could be as important as looks when it comes to the fanciability factor.

We like the look and smell of people who are most like our parents.

Flushed cheeks, a racing heart beat and clammy hands are some of the outward signs of being in love.


Lust is driven by the sex hormones testosterone and oestrogen. Testosterone is not confined only to men. It has also been shown to play a major role in the sex drive of women.


This is the truly love-struck phase. When people fall in love they can think of nothing else. They might even lose their appetite and need less sleep, preferring to spend hours at a time daydreaming about their new lover.


This is what takes over after the attraction stage, if a relationship is going to last. Attachment is a longer lasting commitment and is the bond that keeps couples together when they go on to have children.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Mc DoNaLdS mEaL..

It was a Cloudy nd a Lazy Monday Morning. I woke up late by around 7.30 nd was late to the College at 9.00. The Classes were really Boring nd Irritatin. We had 3 hrs of Theory Classes frm Mornin 9-12 in the Noon. It was really Borin for all of us in the Class. Then,We came to knw abt the free hr frm 12-2. So Eight of us decided to hit the floors in Mc Donalds for Lunch. We left the college by around 12.15 nd we reached the Forum Mall by around 12.30. By then everyone were soo very tiered nd hence we had to go to Mc Donalds First nd Fill our Tummies. All of us placed the Orders.
I love collectin Soft Toys nd hence I insisted on takin up a Happy Meal. But later wen placin the order, the waiter told me tat the Soft Toys there..were Out of Stock..
I got Pissed and Irritated. I dint knw wat to do..
So,Finally I had
Veg Crispy Chinese Burger and Mc Swirl nd walked out of the place.

Friday, January 28, 2005

nEw MuSiC oN dA ChArTs...



bRaiN BugGeRs..!

If ur interested, take up the following bRaiN BugGeR Questions and post answers as comments to my blog...!

To view the answers plz send "Comments" as comments to My Blog.
(The Answers to the questions will be notified to u only if u place Comments in my blog.)

bRaiN BugGeR 1 : Explore Bangalore

( Note : u r supposed to route places according to me )

Hunt 1 : “ Start from Chamrajpet , proceed towards Victoria hospital or vanivilas hospital, visit the utility building and ymca, relax at the high court, see the greens in cubbon park, health check up at Bowring hospital, halt in Taj Residency and have a cup of tea/coffee…..Land up in my Town, put up in b/w ulsoor lake and jogupalya ”

Hunt2 : “ Wake up early ,take a brisk walk in lalbagh gardens, watch a screen play in ravindra kalakshethra, shop some fruits, veggies and non-veggies in city market, shop stuffs in avenue road as well, visit the Chitarakalaparishat ,have lunch at Windsor manor, click come pics near Bangalore palace, proceed towards rajamahal vilas extn………..Land in my friends Halli , put up in b/w sachidananda nagar and r.t.nagar”

Hunt 3 : “ Start from jayanagar, visit the archeological survey of India, purchase goodies in jayanagar shopping complex, boating in yeduyur lake,visit the indian institute of world culture, drive towards bull temple road, further drive leads u to chamrajpet, book your vacation tickets in city railway station, drive ahead to bhashyam nagar.Land in my cousins layout, put up in b/w basaveshvara nagar and vijayanagar

bRaiN BugGeR 2 : Guess the Television Channel

WildLife Diary
Bold and the Beautiful
Fox Kids
Will and Grace
Cut 2 Cut
Hit Machine
Fear Factor
X’treme Dhamaka
Red Carpet
Full House
Click Online
The Oprah Winfrey Show
People and Places
Science Frontier
Bob the Builder
Style Check
World Report
Hard Talk
New Detective Stories

bRaiN BugGeR 3 : Aa Ee Oo Count

(Count the No of Aa Ee Oo in just 5 mins)

OOOOOooooooEEEEEEEo eeee
OOOOaaaaaaaaaaa oooooooaaaa

Thursday, January 27, 2005

ShOpPiN iN b'LoRe..

If you N’jOy Shopping, you will N’jOy Bangalore. From the Air-Conditioned Ambience of super stores like Shopper's Stop and Kemp Fort to the bustling by-lanes of Chickpet, Bangalore has something to offer every kind of shopper. You could find yourself shopping for the some of the biggest brands in the world while strolling down Brigade Road, or you could be engaged in friendly haggling with a shopkeeper for an Exquisite silk sari somewhere in the City Market.

Whether you are looking for Kancheepuram silk or Swarovski crystal or Christian Dior Perfumes or a Raymonds Complete Man Suiting, chances are you will find it in Bangalore.

Given below are a few of My Shopping Areas where I Shop regularly:

Commercial Street, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Brigade Road, Forum Mall, Central Mall, Shoppers Stop, Life Style, West side, Globus, Family Mart, Jayanagar Fourth Block, Shopping Complex, Chickpet, Safina Plaza, Show Off in Brigades, Kemp Fort, Majestic National Market(other Stuffs),Koramangla Factory Outlets, etc..

N’jOy Shopping in Bangalore :-)

Don’t B in da Dark...

One of the Biggest Problems Men and Women with Dark Skin is extra sensitivity and Discoloration. The Reason for this is the Cellular Composition – specially, melanocytes, the cells that contain melanin, skins pigment. In people with Dark Complexions, melanocytes are particularly active; whenever skin is even slightly irritated, these cells create more melanin, resulting in a dark area that is hard to remove. To help keep skin clear, remember these three things:

Don’t pick at Pimples

Although everyone should resist the urge, dark skin individuals in particular have a greater risk of leaving behind the marks or scars.

Be wary of Chemical Peels

Dark skin can reap the smooth, glowing results of these treatments, but chemical peels (as well as the laser therapy that often complements them) should be done by dermatologists experienced in treating such skin.

Don’t skip the SPF

A darker complexion will provide more sun protection than pale skin, but it wont prevent aging, dark spots or moles.

First KaRtInG..

Finally all the Apprehensions and Nervous Anticipation gave way to some action !

One Sunny Day, I went to a place called speed zone where there's Go-Karting for people who love Adventure Sports in Bangalore. Even though this day had only a few of My Friends who had no interest to kart. I forced them and pulled them to the Karting Grounds.

Most of the day was spent watching all the Karters driving in the Action Field.
I wasn't so Confident that I will take over the driving as the other Karters did.

Finally, I forced my self to Go Karting atleast Once and Try.
I put the helmet, the jacket and got ready to Kart; formal briefing by the technicians there on the route followed. They guided me very well.

I was abt to start off..! I shut my eyes for a minute and gained confidence to kart, I found that I was mentally and physically prepared to Kart.
I put my foot on the escalator and started raising the kart..It wazz soo adventurous..

I drove the kart so well that my friends on the field started giving out shouts of Praise...Amazingly at the end of the Lap, My Friends and the People around told me that I was a great Karter..Which made me to Go-Karting regularly....Now Go-Karting is one of my favourite Sport..

So people out there...walk in to ur nearest karting grounds now..nd N'joy Karting...!

LoVe BeInG...

When you love someone so deep inside,
It seems like it's so easy to hide.
You've loved him for so very long,
You would think he could do no wrong.

Every day you would hope and pray,
That he would always stay this way.
He treated you like you should be treated,
You thought your life was finally completed.

You thought your love was growing true,
And then one day it was all so blue.
He started putting you down and it hurt,
You thought all you were to him was dirt.

He started ignoring you and you wondered why,
All you wanted to do was curl up and die.
You thought your relationship would never end,
But that was all so fake and pretend.

One night he was so sweet to you,
You thought all those things were maybe untrue,
Two days later he was back the same,
You thought you were the one to blame.

He thought the relationship was getting too serious
And that you had become a little too curious.
By this time you knew it wouldn't last,
All the nice things he said were in the past.

You thought that you would marry him some day,
But this time God wanted to get his way.
You wanted things back how they were before,
But you knew this couldn't happen anymore.

It was a Sunday night about ten o'clock,
You heard the news and it wasn't a shock.
You knew this was going to happen soon,
As you laid there and cried in the pale lit moon.

2005 Republic Day Out….

The clock struck 9.00 in the morning and it was a lazy morning. I woke up and I had no work to do. I sat and started browsing the different Television Channels which was even more boring with no good programs. I sat on my comp and started surfing the net. I felt very bored and irritated. So I called my friends and all of us decided to go the flower show in Lalbagh Botanical Gardens.

(Lalbagh in Bangalore is a favorite venue for the famous annual flower show. Lalbagh stretches over 240 acres and houses a wide variety of tropical and sub-tropical plants.)

We finally landed up in lalbagh gardens at about quarter to 12. The garden had lush green leaves, blooming flowers and a scorching sun.

The show flooded with people from all parts of Bangalore and other places. We saw varieties of trees, bushes, shrubs, hedges, perennials, fruit trees, spring bulbs, Rose bushes, ground covers, vines, ferns, flower seeds, herb seeds, organic seeds, vegetable seeds, pink cassias, golden acacias, purple jacarandas, flame-orange gulmohars.
The flowers and trees were very beautiful so we wanted to click some pics, but dint have a cam. Fortunately, we saw a photographer near by and we asked him to click our snaps in the glass house for a ransom pay. We enjoyed the show and returned home for lunch at around 1.30. We came home we had a good chat and by that time we started feeling hungry coz we were ri8 under the scorching sun in the Lalbagh gardens for a couple of hours. So we decided to go out for lunch by around 2.00. We went to a good restaurant to have lunch as well as fun. My friends were reactivated after having a Good Meal; we planned to go out for shopping. We had a good stroll near the restaurant; we shopped for some accessories and some good cutleries in a cutlery shop. We were finally tired of shopping so we returned home with good memories of the day. This is how I spent My Republic Day 2005.

Hope u enjoyed reading my Republic Day Out.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Get Set Sleep

Ways to Work in some Sleep

Regularise the habit of taking a short nap in the after noon-even if its just a matter of putting your head down on your desk at lunchtime.
Ensure that you make time for yourself. No one else can or will.
Resort, if need be, to the desperate recourse of catching a quick snooze in the car- in the car park and stationary, of course..
Dont be apologetic about napping
Heed your body signals. Drop all work to relax unless you want the doctor to call upon you.

Travel Wise

Travel Light and Wise

Try as much as possible to have garments that complement each other so that they can all be worn in different combinations. You can carry a pair of jeans with two or three shirts or t-shirts that go with them- its good as carrying three sets of clothes; or pants could be those with zips at the knee that can be converted into shorts. If your packing indian clothes, carry two or three light weighted 'kurtas' with a set of white 'salwar' or 'duppatta' (for girls) or anything that you can mix and match with them.
Carry clothes that are light weighted, washable and wrinklefree.
Dark colored clothes are better during journeys as the dirt doesn't get too prominent.
Make sure that the outfits you choose breathe comfort.
Carry comfortable shoes. If you're travelling for a special occasion, carry your party shoes,else, a pair of walking shoes will do
To combat the cold, dont forget your pullover or a shawl- its good if the color matches with most of the clothes that you will be carrying, though !
Cosmetics and Toiletries should be neatly packed away in a seperate pouch, just to avoid soiling of your clothes, in case of spillage.
Keep accessories and valuables to the minimum.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

StYle ChEcK... mEn...!

Perfect Men.....

The Secret of Your Face
Your face is your centerpiece of style. Job one is to draw attention to it.
A man's primary color signposts are his complexion and his hair color.
So the colors of an ensemble should have the same level of contrast as the contrast between his skin tone and his hair color.
For example, if you're light-skinned and dark-haired, you should favor the same high contrast between the color of your tie and the color of your shirt or whatever garments you're wearing right below your face.
If, conversely, you're a low-contrast guy--say, blond hair and pale skin or dark hair and dark skin--you want low contrast in the shirt-jacket-tie triangle.

The Eyes Have It
Why? Because a high-contrast face surrounded by low-contrast clothes is like a framed painting without the bottom edge of the frame. It encourages a girl’s eye to drift southward, away from the artwork that is your face. If you frame a low-contrast face with high-contrast clothes, her gaze will wander toward the dominant clothes and away from the raw sexual power in your eyes.
Hold clothes up near your face to see which colors flatter you. If you've got a pinkish complexion, a red/maroon tie or pocket square will sharpen focus on your face. If your hair is blond or your skin brown, favor warm gold, rusts, browns. Wear sunglasses, no matter what the season, and scarves, whenever you can get away with them. Anything around the neck or above will draw attention to your face.

How to wear a belt with shorts
The trick is to move away from heavy black or braided leather belts. With shorts, make the belt an extension of your casual look. Try a tan distressed-leather belt like Polo's O-ring or saddle belt. One of these will keep your pants on--as long as you want them to stay on. A belt that doesn't fit turns you into a human sausage.
If u had been wearing the same belt for 15 years, the one you bought when you were 15 pounds lighter? Make sure the old hole isn't stretched or misshapen. If your belt lacks luster or appears worn, toss it. Try a shiny, rich brown alligator-skin belt with a gold buckle. You can also wear silver buckle and black leather. The most versatile width is 1 3/16 inches. The best belts have five holes; if yours isn't buckled in the middle, it's too long or too short.

Dress Taller
Muted, dark-toned ensembles blur your silhouette, creating a long look. Make sure your suit jacket covers your butt without extending much farther down, a shorter jacket will emphasize the line of your legs, making you appear taller. Conversely, a jacket that's too long will shrink your legs.

Dress Trimmer
Okay, you've logged the gym time, and you want to show off what you've built. Just don't go too crazy flaunting your musculature. Fine-gauge fabrics such as linen knits, lightweight cashmere, and high-quality Egyptian or pima cotton will show off your upper torso; boot-cut jeans, which are slimmer through the seat and legs, are great for the lower body.

Dress Smaller
Imposing men can loom a bit less if they contrast colors on the top and bottom, visually splitting the body--the opposite of the single-color effect. So, unlike the man who's trying to appear taller, you can effectively wear a white or colorful shirt with darker pants. You can also create a wider frame with horizontal stripes or patterns, which add perpendicular lines to your verticals.

Dress Thinner
The strong contrast in a black-and-white outfit draws the eye to your face--and away from any out-of-control flesh that might be gathered around your middle. Wearing a single dark color on top and bottom shaves off a few pounds and lengthens you. If you have a full face, wear open-collared shirts or V-necks, which add an angular look. Crew collars and turtlenecks only add to the jack-o'-lantern effect.

Dress Bigger
Wear a T-shirt under an open-collared dress shirt and vest, and put a sport coat on top of that. A range of jackets, including natural-shouldered tweeds in earthy colors, is also a must-have for the man who wants to look beefier.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

New year resolutions..!

Did your New Year resolutions make your top ten list?

Here are some of my new year resolutions.....

Spend More Time with Family & Friends

Fit in Fitness

Tame the Bulge

Quit Smoking

Enjoy Life More

Quit Drinking

Get Out of Debt

Learn Something New

Help Others

Get Organized

StYle ChEcK...

Perfect Women.....
Style Basics
Recognise your assets and choose clothes which flatter this part of your body.
If you have love handles or a round tummy, wear textured fabrics and wrap-around tops.
If you have a short or wide neck, avoid tops that are open at the neck, rather than high or round ones to lengthen and slim your neck.
If your clothes are too tight, you'll look fatter not thinner; straining fabric is a style no-no.

How to Wear Colors
Only wear shiny fabrics and bright colours on areas that you are sure can stand up to being in the limelight.
If you have sallow skin, dark circles or bags, don't wear black near your face, it only draws attention to it.
Combining black with bright colours makes the black look boring and the colours look cheap.
If you're petite or of larger build, avoid a dramatic contrast between top and bottom as this will cut you in half. Avoid thin back straps unless you are totally fatless or you will end up with unsightly back bulges under your clothes.
Your Accessories
If you've got a large chest and you're embarrassed to show off too much flesh in a v-necked top, wear a large necklace to cover the area.
Never wear a scarf or necklace over the top of a roll-neck jumper.
If you have a double chin or your face is chubby, opt for longer earrings.
If you have a short neck, avoid large, choker-style necklaces.
Chunky costume jewellery is a stylish way to add colour and individuality to your outfit.

Right Pair of shoes
If you have thick ankles, don't wear delicate, strappy heels, ballerina-style shoes or ankle straps which cut across the ankle.
If you have skinny legs, avoid thin, teetering heels or they'll look like they're going to snap under the weight of your body.
If you are pear-shaped, avoid dainty kitten heels.
Trousers and jeans should fall to the bottom of the heel.
Black shoes look best with darker colours - don't wear black shoes with light-coloured clothing unless they are extremely dainty.
Don't wear black shoes with bright colours as they make your outfit look cheap.